Out of 0 Ratings

Owner's of the ATON Radio AH66T-KT gave it a score of 0 out of 5. Here's how the scores stacked up:
  • Reliability

    0 out of 5
  • Durability

    0 out of 5
  • Maintenance

    0 out of 5
  • Performance

    0 out of 5
  • Ease of Use

    0 out of 5
of 90
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Volume Control
Description: Adjusts volume in a Zone. Increasing volume ends mute. Status can be
&AH66,VOL,6,+<cr> INCREASES (+) the VOLUME (VOL)in ZONE SIX (6) by 1 dB.
&AH66,VOL,9,-<cr> DECREASES (-) the VOLUME (VOL)in ZONE NINE (9) by 1 dB.
&AH66,VOL,3,50<cr> Sets the VOLUME (VOL)in ZONE THREE (3) to 50 (50).
&AH66,VOL,2,?<cr> QUERIES (?) the VOLUME (VOL) setting of ZONE TWO (2).
Example QUERY responses are:*AH66,VOL,2,0, *AH66,VOL,2,26, etc, where 0=VOLUME
all the way down and 26=VOLUME of 26.
Whole House Music (WHM) Control
Description: Activates, Deactivate or TOGGLES WHM. Status can be queried.
&AH66,WHM,6,0<cr> Deactivates (0) WHOLE HOUSE MUSIC (WHM).
&AH66,WHM,9,1<cr> Activates (1) WHOLE HOUSE MUSIC (WHM) to the currently
selected source in ZONE 9 (9).
&AH66,WHM,3,2<cr> TOGGLES (2) the WHOLE HOUSE MUSIC (WHM) setting in ZONE
THREE (3).
&AH66,WHM,5,?<cr> QUERIES (?) the WHMS (WHM) setting of ZONE FIVE (5).*
Possible QUERY responses are:*AH66,WHM,5,0, or *AH66,WHM,5,1 where 0=OFF and
Prefix Command Parameter 1
Zone #
Parameter 2
&AH66 VOL 1-12 +/-/0-100/?
Prefix Command Parameter 1
Zone #
Parameter 2
WHM State
&AH66 WHM 1-12 0/1/2/?